University of Edinburgh, Chamber Street
United Kingdom
7-8 Chambers Street is a Category C listed building adjacent to Adam House on Chambers Street and is owned by the University of Edinburgh. The building, purchased from Police Scotland, required extensive upgrades to convert it to an academic facility that accommodates architectural school studios, exhibition spaces, teaching rooms and offices. The project was procured via Major Works Scotland, part of Scape’s National Construction framework. Scape is a public sector organisation dedicated to creating ongoing efficiency and social value via the built environment. The framework has been configured to deliver significant levels of local economic engagement, ongoing apprenticeship schemes and community initiatives through an extensive Scottish supply chain.
Philip Payne emergency luminaires combined with the revolutionary Specto-XT lighting management system have been installed. Specto-XT emergency luminaires test according to the schedule specified in BS EN 62034:2012 and display current status via a bi-colour LED. Specto-XT uses the latest wireless mesh technology to replace wired communications signals between each luminaire. 868MHz secure radio communication offers excellent transmission distance within buildings with each luminaire acting as a wireless node to repeat commands on to the next luminaire.
This provides a robust system that will always find a communication path. Another key benefit of Specto-XT is the accessibility of information. Luminaires are wirelessly linked into a Gateway which collects and transmits their status information to the World Wide Web for viewing using tablets, smart-phones, laptops and computers.
- Education